Valve’s Steam is a video game digital distribution platform. In September 2003, it was released as a separate software client as a means for Valve to deliver automatic updates for their games, and it later extended to include titles from third-party publishers.

How to refund a game on Steam

If you want to learn how to refund a game on Steam, then this short and quick article will give you all the required details to refund a game on Steam.

How to refund a game on Steam

Follow these steps to refund a game on Steam:

  • Log in to your Steam account at
  • Select Purchases from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the game for which you desire a refund. If it doesn’t appear on this list, it isn’t eligible for a refund.
  • Click I’d like my money back.
  • It will provide you with advice on how to resolve gameplay or technical problems. Click “I’d want to seek a refund” if you don’t want this.
  • Select where you wish to receive the returned funds from the “Choose refund” method drop-down menu.
  • If your payment provider enables it, this can be to your Steam Wallet or to the original payment source (such as PayPal).
  • Explain why you’re requesting a refund using the “Reason” drop-down menu.
  • Fill up the Notes area with any additional information.
  • Submit the request by clicking “Submit“.
  • A confirmation of your request will be sent to you through email.
  • A week later, you’ll receive another email asking you to accept or reject the refund.

Also, you can find additional information on the official Steam website on how to refund a game on Steam.

I hope that this article has helped you in some way. If you still have any questions regarding this, then you can post them in the comments section provided below this post.

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