Uno was originally produced by the card game company, International Games. The game was designed in 1971 by Merle Robbins and modified by his daughter, Diana. Uno has since been published by numerous companies including Mattel, Wizards of the Coast, Western Publishing, Barton Games, Spin Master and Mirosoft.

Uno is marketed by Mattel, and has traditionally included 108 cards, each bearing a number or card color.

The game rules are simple: Get rid of all your cards. Players use the four remaining decks–two of which might be combined if there are too many players–and turn over one card at a time.

If the color or number matches either one on the top of the discard pile or one in the player’s hand, the person must yell “Uno” (meaning “one”) and discard that card.

If a person has no cards matching either set, he plays another card face-up to start a new pile.

When one player gets rid of all his cards, everyone else counts their cards and the person with the fewest (and therefore most) wins.

Cards two through nine are the same color as the corresponding number. The sixes, however, are wild in that they may be played on any color or number.

They can cancel out whatever card was placed before them and it’s a good way to get rid of a six.

Uno cards are green with yellow text, featuring stylized symbols in each corner – representing the four different suits.

A green circle used to represent the color “green” or “wild”, two green rectangles for number “2” or suit “two”, three half-circles for number three or suit “three”, four red diamonds for number four or suit “four”, five white stars for number five or suit “five” and six yellow hexagons for number six or suit “six”.

The letter X in a red circle was used on early versions of Uno cards to represent the color Red, but this was dropped due to it looking like the number 10.

Early versions of Uno also included an X in a blue circle to represent the color Wild, but this was dropped for being hard to see, as most cards are green or yellow.

So this is how to play Uno.

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