Kombucha is a naturally-fermented tea beverage from Eastern Europe and China. The tea mixed with sugar and brewed for about a week in a dark, sealed container.

In the fermentation process, bacteria and yeast consume the sugar, gradually producing the acids that give the drink its tart flavor.

Other natural flavorings may be added to the tea, such as lemon juice or fruit.

Kombucha is believed to have originated in ancient China and has been referred to by many different names through the centuries, notably “The Tea of Immortality” due to its supposed health benefits.

It was first introduced to America via a New York Times food writer in the early 1990s.

Since then, the drink has become increasingly popular and is now sold at many grocery stores and specialty food shops, as well as being made commercially in a variety of flavors.

The claimed benefits of kombucha include increasing energy, purifying the blood, increasing stamina, aiding digestion, strengthening immunity and preventing cancer.

However, there is no substantial clinical evidence to support any of these claims.

Kombucha has been associated with a few rare cases of serious adverse effects including metabolic acidosis, cutaneous anthrax and toxic hepatitis.

It contains a high concentration of pesticides, which are secreted by the yeast during fermentation. Ingesting large quantities can be harmful.

So this is how to make Kombucha.

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