A resume is a summary of your skills, qualifications and experience. It is a type of advertising so it needs to be eye-catching but still show the content clearly. A good way to organize a resume is to make it like you are telling someone about yourself in person, answer their questions and give them the information they want to know.

A resume is typically one page long but can be longer if needed. It needs to be organized by categories but make it easy to read. Write short descriptions for each category (about two sentences) with enough information to explain what you did and how it relates to the job.

Contact information

Include your name, phone number(s), email address and possibly a link to your LinkedIn profile or a portfolio if available. You can include personal website or blog if they pertain to the job you are applying for. Make sure there is a way for people to contact you.


This is a statement that tells what you are looking for in terms of employment and how it relates to the job. It should not be more than one sentence long and clearly related to the content of your resume.


This is what you did and how it relates to your job. You can list dates for actual work experience or just years if the dates are not important. Make sure that each description is clear and relevant to the position you are applying for. Try to focus on the skills required instead of just listing duties. Also include additional training,


This section lists your educational background, knowledge, skills and experiences. You can list these in order of relevance to the job you are applying for.


If your resume does not have an education section, it should at least have a list of your major and minor subjects. This is where you would also include colleges attended or training received after high school. You do not need to describe high school courses unless they are relevant to the position.

Writing a resume is not difficult but it can be challenging to decide what to include and how to organize it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below or contact an advisor at your college or university. They might be able to help you with writing or reviewing your resume and may have a resume example you can look at.

So this is how to write a resume.

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