This is a very common problem and can be dealt with by following these three simple steps:

1) Check for any leaks near points of entry like cracks or gaps along doorways, windowsills etc. Ants will infest your home if they have access to it, so make sure to seal up any possible entry points.

2) Use an exterior bait or spray for ants living outside the house. If you cannot find the access point, use this solution instead of indoor treatment as it will be more effective.

3) Inspect surrounding areas for carpenter ants that may be nesting in a dead tree or other wooden structures. Spray the exterior of these structures with Alpine PT II Aerosol to stop them from entering your home. It is also possible to apply Alpine PT II Dust around these areas for carpenter ant control.

There are over 12,000 types of ants worldwide and only a handful of them can actually infest homes.

Pavement Ants – These ants are very common in the southern regions of the US. They create colonies under sidewalks, driveways or even around your house near outdoor walls.

If you see them trailing along your foundation or sidewalk, you know you have a problem and it is time to do some pest control. They like moist soil which will make your lawn look sunken and dry around the edges.

This makes it easier for them to take over your home since there is an easy food source available. You can lay down ant bait or granules along their trails but this may not always work.

Pavement ants are extremely aggressive and will fight for their home. You would need to use an outdoor bait or spray to get rid of them for good.

Odorous House Ants – These ants do not often infest homes but they still cause trouble around your property. They can be found feeding on exposed sweets like fruit, plants, or other insects.

The only way to get rid of this type of ant is by using outdoor baits or sprays. Outdoor ants are usually larger than their indoor counterparts and will be more difficult to control since they live outside where there are no barriers between them and your home.

Pharaoh Ants – These ants are even more difficult to control than pavement ants. Pharaoh ants are one of the smallest ants at only 1mm in length and can be difficult to spot.

They can survive just about anywhere, from construction sites, outdoor areas to even inside your home. Being so small, they will feed on a variety of foods and have an easier time getting around while avoiding typical insecticides.

Pharaoh ants can be found in any crevice around your home and will even nest in the insulation of walls if left alone to do so. Use an aerosol such as Alpine PT or PT II to flush them out and prevent them from coming back.

Carpenter Ants – These ants are about 1/4″ long and can be identified by their large bodies and bent antennae. They are commonly found in dead wood, especially if the wood has a moisture content between 12%-30%.

You can find them feeding on things like honeydew, insects, nectar and leftover food from other insects. If you have carpenter ants in your home, it means there is an underlying moisture problem which you should look for.

If the moisture has not been properly dealt with, your carpenter ants could return or even spread to other parts of your home causing further damage. Look for leaks around windows and doors, condensation inside insulation or improper ventilation.

Fire Ants – Fire ants are stinging ants that can be especially brutal if you have children or pets. Fire ants live in mounds that can be as large as 24″ deep and up to 18″ across.

They are known for their painful stings which can cause a serious allergic reaction in some people. Treatment is simple – just use an outdoor bait to kill the entire colony at once, however make sure to keep your pets and children out of the area until it is safe to return.

So this is how to get rid of ants from your home and garden.

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