Here is the step to step instructions on how to draw Pikachu:

Step 1: Draw a circle for Pikachu’s head.

Step 2: Draw two smaller circles for Pikachu’s eyes.

Step 3: Add two small ovals for the cheeks on each side of the head.

Step 4: Add a line across the face that begins at one eye and extends to the other in order to make Pikachu’s mouth.

Step 5: Add two curved lines on either side in order to make Pikachu’s ears.

Step 6: Draw two more curved lines on either side for Pikachu’s arms and add triangular shapes at the end of each line in order to make the arm and hand.

Step 7: Draw a straight line across the middle section of Pikachu’s body for his belt, then add another curved line underneath that makes his stomach.

Step 8: Draw one curved line on either side of Pikachu’s body for his arms, then add two small triangles on either end of each line in order to make the hands.

Step 9: Add a rectangle that makes up Pikachu’s tail.

Step 10: Erase all guidelines and finish drawing Pikachu!

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to draw Pikachu.

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