In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a paper boat.

Draw a straight line that will be the rectangle shape of the boat. Draw a large circle for half of the boat and then take a toothpick and dig in one corner of the boat. Extend the toothpick across the boat and dig out some details at either end.

Draw a big square that will end up being the bottom of the boat. In one corner, add some details with your toothpick or a sharpener.

In order to make the deck of the boat, draw a long rectangle and then add small rectangles inside of it at various angles to create some designs on the deck. Take a toothpick and poke holes in the deck.

Take a small piece of white paper and roll it up into a cylinder. Make sure to make this shape as thin as possible so that it will fit inside your boat without bumping up against the lip of the boat’s edge where the toothpicks meet together.

Draw some oars on the other piece of paper and cut them out. The oars must be long enough to reach the front of the boat where it is dug into, but also short enough that they can still fit inside your boat without bumping up against the lip of the boat’s edge where the toothpicks meet together.

Take a long piece (about 2 or 3 inches long) of tape and lay it down on your table. Place the toothpick boat over the tape and use another piece of tape to connect the two sides (the bottom of the boat with the deck) together.

Now you are ready to start playing!

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