Prime members get access to a variety of advantages. There are no minimum order requirements for free standard deliveries, and they include free one-day and two-day deliveries, early access to regular sale events and Lighting Deals, and no minimum purchase need for free standard deliveries.

Customers who subscribe to Amazon Prime can also use the company’s other services like Amazon Prime Music, Amazon Prime Video, and Amazon Prime Reading.

How to cancel Amazon Prime membership

If you want to go ahead and cancel your Amazon Prime membership, then this short and quick article will give you all the required details to help you to cancel your Amazon Prime membership.

How to cancel Amazon Prime membership

To cancel your membership:

Using website:

  • Sign in to your account on the website.
  • Select “Your Account” from the hamburger menu button in the top-left corner.
  • Now select “Prime“from the drop-down menu.
  • Select “Manage Membership” from the drop-down menu.
  • Select the option to “cancel your membership“.
  • Amazon will soon display a screen that shows how much money you’ve saved on shipping fees since joining the club. There, click “Cancel” to continue.
  • You’ll now see a screen with the End on [your Prime membership’s expiration date] button. Once your Prime membership approaches its renewal date, this will effectively cancel it.
  • By using the Remind me later option three days before your Prime subscription renews, you may also get a reminder.

Using the mobile app:

  • Go to your phone’s Amazon app.
  • From the bottom-right corner, tap the hamburger menu button.
  • Now, select “Prime“.
  • Next to the Prime title, click “Manage My Membership“.
  • Select the “Manage Membership” option from the Manage Membership drop-down menu.
  • End your subscription by using the End button.
  • Scroll down the screen to see how much you’ve saved on delivery fees since joining the club.
  • Continue to Cancel, then tap the End on [your Prime membership’s expiration date] button.
  • It’s worth noting that after you’ve cancelled your Prime membership, you won’t be able to get any Prime-only deals or services like Prime Video or Prime Music.

To cancel online, go to

To cancel over the phone, call: +18882804331

Email [email protected] and ask them to cancel your account.

Also, you can find additional information on the official Amazon Prime website on how to cancel your Amazon Prime membership.

I hope that this article has helped you in some way. If you still have any questions regarding this, then you can post them in the comments section provided below this post.

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Disclaimer: Please note that is not associated with Amazon Prime.

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