It usually takes about an hour to fill a cavity.

To fill a cavity, you usually start by preparing the tooth with a local anesthetic. The next step is to drill down to expose the inside of the tooth, and then use special instruments called files, chisels, and diamonds to remove the caries (decayed) material. Once that’s done, you’ll need to apply cavity sealant (a mixture of zinc oxide and eugenol) on the inside of the tooth. Once it sets up for 30 seconds, you’ll cover it with filling material.

You can also prepare teeth for fillings using tooth colored materials or dental cement or composite resins. A cavity is any place in your mouth where there is decay of part of your tooth. Fillings are used to restore the function, form and integrity of your teeth.

Most fillings are directly related to tooth decay, but there are some other reasons for needing a filling. If you have an old root canal treatment that has not healed properly, or is causing pain, you might need to have it re-treated with a filling. Also if the crown of your tooth breaks off, you will need to have it repaired.

One treatment for replacing teeth is dental implant surgery. If the dentist is unable to save any part of the original tooth, they may recommend an implant. A small titanium or surgical steel post is surgically placed in the upper or lower jawbone and held in place by the surrounding bone.

The dentist will make an impression and send it to a dental lab. They turn your impression into a wax model and this is used as a guide for making the replacement tooth — which may be made up of metal, porcelain or ceramic — that will attach to the implant post.

So this is how long does it take to fill a Cavity.

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