eMeals is a weekly meal planning service that gives you all the tools you need to cook and eat more nutritious, home-cooked meals.

How to cancel eMeals subscription

If you have chosen to cancel your eMeals subscription, then this article will give you all the required information to help you to cancel your eMeals subscription.

How to cancel eMeals subscription

To cancel your eMeals membership, you have to call 800-372-4811 and speak with a member of the eMeals customer service staff.

You can cancel 24/7 online by going to the member area of the website.

Customer Success may be reached through email at [email protected], Live Chat on the emeals website. You need to contact them from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Saturday (CST) and they are not available on Sunday.

Alternatively, you may find additional information on how to cancel your eMeals subscription on the official eMeals website.

I hope that this article has helped you. In case, if you have any questions or queries, then you can ask them in the comments section provided below.

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Disclaimer: Please note that HowToAssistant.com is not associated with eMeals.

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