You have one website already listed in the website list section of your Amazon Associates account. Now you have started a new website and want to add this new website as well to the Amazon Associates website list settings.

This tutorial will help you in doing this. Also, as per the “Operating Agreement” of Amazon Associates, you are required to maintain the status of your website list updated.

How to Add a New Site to the Website List in Amazon Associates

Here is the step-by-step tutorial to do that:

Step 1: Log in to your Amazon Associates Central account.


Step 2: Hover your cursor over your email address and then from the drop-down menu select “Account Settings“.


Step 3: Now click on “Edit your Website and Mobile App List“.


Step 4: Now you need to type your website URL under “Enter Your Website(s)” and then click on “Add.” Your website will get added. Finally, click on the “Next” button to complete the declaration process (You will be asked to confirm whether your websites are targeted towards children under the age of thirteen (13 years old). You have to select “Yes” or “No” as per your website niche and targeting). After this, you are done.


So this is how you can easily add a new website to your Amazon Associates website list.

I hope you found this tutorial useful and informative. In case you have any questions or comments, you can ask them in the comments section given below.

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